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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Miriam Lovell Photography: 6 Days Grateful- my girls

I found this post today in my blog roll, and it is so true. Miriam Lovell Photography: 6 Days Grateful- my girls. I want to be a little bit like Miriam and post daily gratitudes, but I'm not sure I can find the time to get on this computer (it's blocked at work, so that doesn't work).

So, today, I start with Day 1 of kids. They are amazing little souls with no fear sometimes. I love how curious they are about everything. Julianne has begun asking about dying and heaven. John David wants to know as much as he can about nature and weather and the tooth fairy. I love how they drive me crazy one minute and I can't get enough of them the next. I just want to eat 'em up!! How can you put into words how much your children mean to you?

Love them-John David, Julianne, and my niece, Emma

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