Help Bring Boo Home to the Overstreets

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter has never been what it's supposed to be for me. In the past, it was a time to get a new spring dress, to decorate eggs, to wake up to the Easter bunny's gifts. This year was different. We, as a family, have found an amazing church and have an amazing church family. I've always been a believer, I've just never felt the way I do now about why I believe. "He is risen." I know God is working in all our lives--our kids have started talking more about eternal life and how they love Jesus, I see it in our marriage (most of the time:), I see it in how I treat others. I'm so thankful and blessed to have found such a great church and family there. Thank you for all of you (my fabulous small group) who help me in my walk--I admire what you have in your lives and want to live like you do--you are my inspiration.

1 comment:

mary leigh said...

Just so you know, Jesus doesn't mind if you get a new Easter dress. I asked him.